I just want to take a second and clear something up about my earnestness for Bible study. It’s real and I’m zealous for it. While it is true that I graduated with a degree in Theology from college, I was not saved then nor was I zealous for His Word. I was an enemy of Christ back then and honestly speaking here, just about everything that I studied in school was rubbish.
I’m a new creation now. (2 Corinthians 5:17) So, what I am saying is that when I explain Scripture, it comes by the power of the Holy Spirit for He is my teacher. However, I am a man and although the good work that He started in me is sure to be completed (Philippians 1:6), I know that I have not, as of yet, been made perfect. (1 Corinthians 13:10) Therefore, if there is ever a time that I explain something in the Word that doesn’t seem to line up with Jesus Christ and Him crucified, I would want you to challenge me on it as long as you do it in love. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)
Likewise, if anything I say about Scripture is edifying to you in any way then we should praise God for it as long as what I say abides within the Vine of Jesus Christ. (John 15:4-5) I know that we are all gifted of Him in unique ways and I think that this desire inside of me is God given.
One of the things that I consistently pray for is wisdom in understanding His Word. I can tell you that God honors the prayer for wisdom when the request comes from a humble heart. (James 1:5-6) The Holy Spirit is an amazing teacher and He always glorifies Jesus Christ.
I am stepping out in faith that this blog will be something that the Lord would have me do to serve Him. I was recently convicted of something that I wrote down in my journal from nine years ago:
God uses the willing not the perfect. Be sensitive to God's prompting even when you feel inadequate. - October 19, 2002.That encouraged me greatly and I hope it encourages you as well. I cannot say enough about how keeping a journal has helped me along the way with the Christian walk. The Holy Spirit is a friend and comforter and it is all too easy to forget those things that He testifies to your spirit if you don't take the time to write them down.
My prayer is that this blog helps redeem the time the Lord has graciously given me. (Colossians 4:5) Indeed, the time is short. (Romans 13:11)